Vector Prime

One of the most powerful members of the Thirteen, Vector Prime dedicates his spark into the stability of the Multiverse, One of the most powerful beings to ever exist, Vector prime’s command over space and time is rivalled only by a very few.

Though a very powerful being which has defended the Multiverse from an array of threats, Vector Prime dose take other beings from their timeline from time to time to help him with his missions, either way few dare ever try to become his enemy.

He wields the blades of time, which themselves have unique temporal properties.


Vector Prime was one of the first Cybertronians to be made to combat Unicron. They defeated the chaotic being with the Requiem blaster and the Matrix of Leadership, and for a time their was peace between his brothers.

Vector Prime was against the banishment of Megatronus, however he was banished anyway. At somepoint during his early Multiversal career he slain all the avatars of Mogahn the mass, who mentions this to Ikon and Q’b while explaining his origins to them[Meeting Mogahn]

At another point he started pursuing the powerful being known as Sideways, increasingly finding it more difficult to catch him, Vector prime took out Brail from his timeline in order to help him, after dimension hopping, He managed to fight Sideways, even stabbing him with one of his swords.

However though not injured by the birth of Dark-MC, he was knocked out of conscious by the blast of it’s birth[The Brail paradox]He was seen fighting Mogahn during the Mogahn crisis, as well as saving Brail from some Mogahn-raptors[The end has come...]

He took part in the apprehension of Baron Karza along with Scorpia[Revenge of Baron Karza]


He’s of course Vector Prime

He shares his bodytype with Alpha Trion


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