Space case

Ever since she was a young protoform, Space case obviously wanted to explore the stars. Though she can seem carefree at times, she is very dedicated at navigating through space, All while finding the safest routes for whatever Decepticon vessel she’s stationed on as a Navigation officer.

She good friends with Deadbolt.


Space case was forged during the mid Sentinel prime era and joined the Decepticons early in her life. During the war she learned how to Navigate star ships and later she would be a Navigation officer on many Decepticon warships during the latter part of the war.

She was sent to the planet Blizzardtron to help boost the number of troops in the base, she later was seen alongside Space case as they went to their commander's aid, and managed to chase the mysterious Szorian vehicle away, which she identified having Jhiaxus insignia on it[Spotlight: Gridlock]


She’s based on G2 Space case

She shares her bodytype with Snare and Thunderwing



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