
A clone of Perceptor, Magnificus is little like the Autobot he’s cloned from. Though he understands Dimensional sciences in particular. Magnificus is more interested in war and politics with the Decepticon faction, while this is an advantage, it doses waste the reason why he was cloned in the first place.

As mentioned before, the only science Magnificus is interested in is Dimensional science, and he can be argued to be smarter than his template in that field.


Magnificus was cloned during the great war, though having the intellect of his template, Magnificus only seemed to desire dimension science, and dedicated the rest of his intellect to War and politics. He fought in a battle led by Skyquake, which Blowback remembered while reading about Skyquake’s death[The Threefold spark]

He later became Skyquake higher up, becoming the despot of Ijurn, he was seen talking to Skyquake about sending Ijurnians to the planet over telecommunications[Terror in the skies!]


He’s based on a fusion of G1 Magnificus and Animated Magnificus

He shares his bodytype with Chairman, Perceptor and Snowcat


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