
One of the many heralds of Unicron across the universe, Grand-Scourge was created specifically to destroy the Matrix of leadership and those who wielded it. Another bot who resembles Optimus prime, Grand-Scourge is well dedicated to the task he was created for.

He also has a very, very big  sword, which is called the Matrix breaker.


Grand-Scourge  was created at somepoint by Unicron in the visage of Optimus prime, he was sent to kill Sideways and destroy his Matrix(after he killed an Avatar of Unicron) and decided to team up with Vector Prime and Brail after the latter suggested it.

He managed to fight Sideways, even stabbing him with his very large swords. However though not injured by the birth of Dark-MC, he was knocked out of conscious by the blast of it’s birth[The Brail Paradox]

He was seen discussing with the other Unicronians about if they should fight Mogahn until Scramjet forced him and the others to fight him, However by the time they arrived the were caught in the quantum explosion caused by Mogahn's defeat.

His current fate is unknown, though he could have been that herald that was being burnt by Zoids in a Zod universal stream[The end has come...]


He’s based of energon Grand-Scourge

He shares his bodytype with Star Minor, Convoy, Ultra Pax, Toxitron, Orion Pax during the war, Optimus primal cybertronian form, and Noisemaze.



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