
Formed from the combination of Megaempress and her four guard, Megatronia is the greatest assets Megaempress had when she split from the main Decepticons, A powerful combiner in her own right, Megatronia has only been used sparingly, but had built up a reputation for herself.

She composed of Megaempress, Lunaclub, Moonheart, Trickdimond and Flowspade.


Megatronia was first combined by using stolen greengon, Megaempress showcased the combiner while at her private rally while giving off her speech. Megatronia fought in the ensuring battle, however she was defeated by the Combiner Bruticus[threat of Megaempress]


She’s based on G1 Megatronia

She shares her combined form bodytype with Victorion and Defensor



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