
A bot lost on an alien world, Centurion had a long time adapting to earth, once spending his days wandering the planet for energon, Centurion now on and off helps the humans against various threats, and has became quite bonded to the planet.

He also fought in WW2


Centurion was forged on Eukaris during the sentinel era, he was one of many Maximals to be on the Axalon when it crashed onto earth, He along with Domitius Major participated in the beast wars and was one of the few not buried in Alaska after it ended.

At somepoint he found Aura along with Domitius Major and put her in a Stasis pod within her ship(which they were using ass a base). After fixing the ship he decided to stay on earth for some reason, at somepoint he met Neil and Nesta Nelson's ancestors.

In the modern day, he was returning home when he met the Neil Nelson, Nesta Nelson and Max blue, after helping Bumblebee and Wheeljack against the cons. The Autobot left him to his own vices on neutral terms[Crisis of steam]


He’s based on IDW Centurion

He shares his bodytype with Flathead



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