
Built from the blueprints of Broadside with aspects from the Malignus General Ominus and lieutenant Dreadnaut. Tidalwave was an early Decepticon Superweapon. Though he’s more armed then Broadside. He’s still considered as her equal in strength.

His caretaker is the Decepticon Shortround.


Tidalwave was cold constructed during the great war from Broadside’s blueprints with aspects of his design from the Malignus Ominus and Dreadnaut. He acted as the transport for Megatron as he went to the Decepticon combiner development facility in Tarn.

During the ensuring battle against Autobots lead by Obsidian. He was the one to one-shot Volcanicus by kicking him. However he himself wasn’t enough to defeat the Autobots as they had to retreat when Metroplex arrived[Operation: Combination]

He attacked Darknova as the Vok attacked Charr, managing to damage him the most. However Darknova turned into his star giant form and incapacitated him. However before he could be killed he was saved by Pyton, and later other Vok[Attack on Charr]


He’s based on G1 Tidalwave

He shares his bodytype with Broadside


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