
A member of the Protectorbots, Streetwise is considered to be the most vigilant bot on his team. Nothing rarely evades his notice, not even a tiny organism in the environment. This helped when he was a police officer, and definitely helps his teammates in times of crisis.

He can combine with his teammates to form Defensor.


Streetwise was forged during the late Nominus prime era and became a police officer, he was one of the first bot’s enrolled in Hotspot’s Protectorbots, becoming a higher up in his group. During the great war he and his teammates got the ability to combine into Defensor.

As Defensor he was battling in Polyhex when he came upon Brail and some others, however he was one-shot by the mysterious sideways
[Spotlight: Brail]


He’s based of G1 Streetwise

He's shares his bodytype with Breakdown and Deadend



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