
 If their one bot on Cybertron who's a millitary history fanboy, it's Quake. He spend much of his free time reading about ancient Cybertronian military leader, and one day wants to become a General himself, though the Ultracon has a long journey ahead of himself.
He's good friends of Carnivac and Crashtest.


Quake was forged during the great war and befriended the Decepticon Quake and Crashtest. He was with Carnivac as Guards for the Decepticon Combiner development facility in Tarn when the both noticed some greengon was missing, but wrote it off as stolen by the Autobots as they went to get lunch[Operation: Combination]
He gained his alt-mode by unknown means, but it was of a Tank not seen since the Guardian- Malignus war, probably from Strika.

He's named after G1 Quake

He shares his bodytype with Warpath and Strika



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