
One of the Guardian war heroes from the Guardian-Malignus war. Goldbug was the poster boy of the faction. Though the young scout didn’t get to see the fame he would gain from his deeds, he would be celebrated greatly.

He’s also the DNA base of Goldfire.


Goldfire was cold constructed during the Guardian Malignus war, at somepoint he spied on the facility Ragnarok was made in, which was referenced by Firecracker during her observation on the Decepticon combiner development facility in Tarn[Operation: Combination]

He would die during the war, though he gained fame for his war deeds before this. His DNA would be the base for creating Goldfire.


He’s based on IDW Goldbug
He shares his bodytype with Chase, Mirage, Roadbuster, Crashtest, Redalert, Goldfire and Rubble



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