
A member of Deathsaurus other team of combiners called Dinoforce (for some reason), Gairyu is the tactician of the group. Before deserting the war she used to draw up battle plans for the group and for her leader general Deathsaurus.

She can combine with his teammates to form Dinoking.


Gairyu was forged or born during the zeta era and studied millitary tactics, During the great war along with some friends got the ability to combine into Dinoking during Operation: combination by Banzaitron. She was seen training as Dinoking with Monstructor.
During the ensuring battle against the Autobots attacked Victorion along with Devastator, Liokaiser, Abominus and Monstructor before being swatted away by Volcanicus[Operation: Combination]She was one of few to come with Deathsaurus as he left the war.
She's based on G1 Gairyu
She shares her bodytype with Rairyu, Brissleback and Birdbrain


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