Despite most bots calling her just Magmatron's lover(which is true), Soundbyte is more then just an admire of this crime boss. Though not a second in command she is high ranking in Magmatron's syndicate, and actually is intrusted with more secrets then his other hire ups.
She doesn't understand why her alt-mode arms are so useless.
Soundbyte was forged on Eukaris during the great war, she met up with the Decepticon Magmatron and helped him found his terror grope. She was one of many aboard the Dinosaur which crashed alongside Big Convoy's ship on Earth.
She convinced Magmatron to change his alt-modes, as well as take part in the first battle on earth against Big Convoys forces. After Magmatron's first defeat she reported to him that Majin Zarak is near to completion[Neo beasts 1 of 3]
She's based on BWU Soundbyte
She shares her bodytype with Amazon prime, Tyrannocon-rex, T-wrecks, and Ghawnsteeth
She turns into a Carnotaurus
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