
An Titan forged during Cybertron's distant past, Metroplex is the Autobots final resort in battle. despite being extremely powerful, Metroplex most of the time is a pacifist, happily acting as a base or transport most of the time, as he’s still being helpful and contributing to the war efforts without being a war machine all the time.

He only truly set's his pacifism aside if he's battling Trypticon.


Metroplex was forged 3.6 Billion years ago during the age of Evolution. He would be put in dormancy for later Cybertronians to use as Protection against threats. During the early great war he was reactivated by Windblade with her City speaking abilities.

He acted as a base for Obsidian's forces during his assault on the Decepticon Combiner development facility in Tarn, and was the one to cow Megatron into retreat[Operation: Combination]


He's based on G1 Metroplex

He shares his bodytype with Metrotitan

He's stated to be two miles tall



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