
Merklynn is one of the last magic practitioners from the first age of Magic. After Prysmos became primitive after it’s three suns created an EMP wave which led to the loss of their technological advancements, he gave powers to the people who eventually became the Visionaries, who later spitted to become the Spectral Knights and the Darkling Lords.

Merklynn is one of the most powerful wizards of Prysmos to be known, in his sanctuary he holds untold millennia of Arcane secrets and treasures from his late contemporaries. Their enough even to attract an even more ancient alien sorceress to his home world.

A little secret: He the one who caused the alignment which sent Prysmos back to primitivism.


Merklynn was born some 2100 years before modern day, during his early life he became a very strong wizard. At somepoint he found  a way to make himself immortal. As his race became technologically advance, he became disgusted at the world it was turning to.

So around 200 years ago, he caused Prysmos three suns to align in a way that released an EMP that deactivated all technology. Happy at what happened, he resurfaced and did a contest to choose people to give some of his magic to turn into his shining knights.

After a few weeks, he approved of enough people to create the Visionaries to defend Prysmos[Valour of the Visionaries 1 of 4]He made Leoric the leader, but secretly influenced Darkstorm until he created a schism in the Visionaries, forming both the Spectral knights and the darkling lords.

His collection of Artefacts attracted the attention of the Dier Wraith Xeldynn, who went to Prysmos after her home world destruction in hopes of gaining the power he kept hidden there. Both the Spectral knights and the Space knights would travel to Merklynn Sanctuary after realising that it was the Dier wraiths target[Plor on Prysmos 1 of 3]

When the gropes arrived, Merklynn berated Leoric on inviting aliens to his home, He allowed Plor to tell him why he was here and was explained of the Wraith threat, but he wasn't to convinced by the Alien's words.

He gave his point a view that made the Spaceknights wonder if all wraiths really evil and deserved to be wiped of the face of the galaxy. Before his home was invaded by Xeldynn and Darkstorm[Plor on Prysmos 2 of 3]He tried to stop Xeldynn and Darkstorm entering his treasury, but he was defeated by them quite easily.

He played a major role in defeating a Wraith Dragon Xeldynn, giving Arzon the requiem stone which depowered the Sorceress, Later when the Spaceknights were leaving, he wanted them to never comeback, and Plor said hopefully they never need to come back to his home[Plor on Prysmos 3 of 3]

He sent the Spectral knights to find the Requiem stone(after it went missing) and would later turn the tide of battle for the Spectral knights when Arzon and Darkstorm tried to free the ancient being known as Megatronus prime[Valour of the Visionaries 3 of 4]

He tried to stop the Visionaries from reactivating the Venator Pyramid, but while he manged to both banish Leoric and destroy the generator, ultimately failed when both Leoric defeating him and Tyrwas turning Prysmos into a Techno-arcane Utopia.

He was punished for his crimes by being banished to earth, where he took on the name Garrison Kreiger after accepting his fate[Valour of the Visionaries 4 of 4]


He's based on IDW Merklynn


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