
A member of the superhero group known as the Neo-knights, Dynamo is believed to be the most powerful out of all of them. An accident with Vok technology gave him the power to synthon earth’s energy, least of all make earthquakes, but he also can make energy blasts.

His real name is Hector Dialonzo.


Hector Dialonzo was born in 1972 in Mexico, while he was in his teens he stumbled upon some unnamed Vok Technology which gave him powers to tap into the Earth after accidently absorbing much of its exotic radiation, which mutated him.

He along with Thunderpunch, Rapture and Circuitbreaker were gathered to form the Neo-Knights, a superhero team that would help make the world a safer place. In 1999 he and the Neo-knights would go to Ukraine to investigate a strange building complex their.

After a rough confrontation(and misunderstanding) with the Autobots, they helped them stop Megatron’s attempt to clone a Phristoricon army[Transformer vengeance 2 of 4]


He’s based on G1 Dynamo


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