
A member of the superhero group known as the Neo-knights, Circuitbreaker seems to be the most technophobic. gaining her powers from an electrical incident caused by a Decepticon, she has the power to temporary disrupt a cybertronian neural circuits for moments.

Her real name is Josie Beller.


Josie Beller was born in 1974 in Los Angeles, she used to work in an oil drilling platform when a Decepticon attacked the place single-handedly, and the energon radiation plus electrical problems caused her to develop the ability to temporally disrupt neural thought in machines. 

She along with Thunderpunch, Dynamo and Circuitbreaker were gathered to form the Neo-Knights, a superhero team that would help make the world a safer place.  In 1999 she and the Neo-knights would go to Ukraine to investigate a strange building complex their.

After a rough confrontation(and misunderstanding) with the Autobots, they helped them stop Megatron’s attempt to clone a Phristoricon army[Transformer vengeance 2 of 4]


she's based of G1 Circuit Breaker



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