
A guard, Javelin protects Camian sights across Caminus. Though she well versed in combat, and unsurprisingly with a spear in particular. Javelin is also one of the few Camians who know how to use Firearms on the planet.

Her helmet makes bots think that she only has one optic, when she has the usual two.


Javelin was forged during the great war era on Caminus but was unaffected by the war due to Caminus isolation. Proxima became a guard and trained with a spear, though she was one of the few bots that known how to use a firearm. She was one of many bots at the crash site of the Autobot ship.

After the brief muddle up between Caminus and Cybertron through the Mistress of flame and Thunderclash. Proxima, Aileron and Javelin went with Thunderclash for their desire to reconnect with Cybertron[Sparkstalker and Caminus]


She's based on G1 Javelin 



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