
While Mixmaster is gone, Somebody needs to be in charge of the Constructicons for him, and who better then his wife Heavyload(better then Dirtboss).An experience Ford of her own, Heavyload has always been the main choice.

As a chemist, Heavyload has made many chemicals formulates for both construction and war. However she likes to be on the Building site more: one because of boredom, another because of health concerns about spending to much time brewing dangerous chemicals.

She even has her own unit, to better her leadership within her Decepticon subgroup.


Heavyload was built into the construction class during zeta primes time and became a Ford in the Tarn area sect, She married Mixmaster and helped manage construction sites, as well as experiment to make more useful Building materials.

At some point she joined the Decepticons when Mixmaster and his grope and she forged a team of her own. During the Great War she also became the grand Ford of the Constructicons while Mixmaster left Cybertron to find the Allspark.

She was involved in the battle for Floron II, which she also brought her team to, She reported to Macabre of Guardian Redfive advances along with fellow Decepticon Feverdream[Recrudesce of Emissary 2 of 2]

Sometime after the great war Heavyload went on a trip aboard the lost light, where he later help fix the engine after crashing on Energoa[The Threefold spark]


She’s based on Universe Heavyload

She shares her bodytype with Quickmix, Mixmaster, Motormix, Mortar and Discharge



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