
A charming Mercenary, Dobleclouder is usually a bot you can get along with, Though ruthless in his task, Dobleclouder has a moral code, and would drop good paying jobs if he thought it would be against his moral compass.

But do pay him, otherwise he would make you pay, He may be the brother of Dobledealer.


Dobleclouder was forged during the Great war era and joined Soundblaster Mercenary faction while his brother became an Autobot spy. During the battle of Floron II he was hired out by Feverdream to help in the battle. At somepoint Macabre cheated him out of a payment, and he vowed revenge.

During the modern day, he tracked Macabre to Elonia where he abducted Macabre and Stalker(which also ended his assault on the planet by using Metrotitan as a superweapon) before executing Macabre and imprisoning Stalker[Recrudesce of Emissary 2 of 2]


He’s named after G1 Dobleclouder

He shares his Bodytype with: Rockhopper, Feverdream, Dobledealer, Blitzwing, Flywheels, Skytread, Flyhigh, Scrash and Doomshot



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