
A clone of the vile Technoist Decepticon Straxus, Rollermaster is nothing like her original when it comes to personality. A caring and innocent individual, Rollermaster is fascinated in all forms of life and believes that their beautiful.

Despite Straxus reputation, nobody cares who Rollermaster cloned from.


Rollermaster was one of many clones made on the Hub and would have been one of Jhiaxus infantry troops if not reprogrammed before activation by Hatchet and Adronitia[The Scavengers vs Jhiaxus- Part 1 of 2 ][the scavengers vs Jhiaxus 2 of 2 ] before helping both the Autobots and cons to escape from Jhiaxus.

After that she joined the Autobots cause, At somepoint she found out she was a clone of Straxus but didn't care.


She's based on Rollermaster(Straxus)

She shares her bodytype with Landmine



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