
Swift is kind of unique in her views in a way, like her people of Caminus she regards primes in very high regards, however she believes that the reigning primes are false primes ands need to be overthrown, being the reason she joined the Decepticons.

Despite being with the Decepticons, she's not that loyal to them.


Swift was born on Caminus during its isolation period and was an actor. She were aboard Windblade ship as it tried to reconnect with Cybertron but was damaged in a asteroid shower and was founded by Thunderclash[spotlight Windblade]

At somepoint she joined the Decepticons, believing the reigning prime to be a false one since he wasn't chosen by the matrix. During the great war she was seen along with Twirl talking as Stranglehold went to the command room of the Decepticon Fortress[Spotlight Stranglehold]


She's based on IDW2005 Swift

She shares her bodytype with Hepter, Graze, Blades, Lunaclub, Moonheart, Stormclash, Skyburst, Spinister and Vortex, Crossblades and Flyup



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