
A member of Big convoy's crew,  you would be excused to think that Santon isn't the medic, but he is. A pacifist at heart he refuses to kill his enemies, and at worst injures them. As a Doctor he sees that he should heal the injured, not injure the healed, and he takes it seriously.

Surprisingly he's good friends with Skywarp, a great war for Cybertron veteran who is willing to kill if the situation requires him to.


Santon was forged on Eukaris during the Maxicon era and became a doctor, he was one of many Maximals to come with Big convoy to track down Magmatron and got Stuck on earth. He also was with a grope lead by Big convoy when they were attacked by Gigastorm and his cyborg beasts[Neo beasts 3 of 3]


He's based on BWII Santon



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