
Forged in the Dark and chaotic bowls of the Chaos bringer Unicron, Thunderwing is believed to be the first creation of Unicron, The Antithesis to the 13 primes, this Unicronian is ultimately loyal to Unicron, however even she has some freedoms, like changing her name.

She was originally named Daricron


Forged during the beginning of the Universe existence, Daricron as she was dubbed was forged in the bowls of Unicron to combat the Thirteen, a creation of his brother Primus, though she gave a good fight she was defeated ultimately and Unicron was defeated(for the time being).

She would roam the Universe until Prima hunted her down to a just forming Floron 2 where Prima defeated her and she became a sentient tomb. However around 200 years ago she was reawaken by Amory by accident and went to reawaken Unicron but not before giving Amory Dark energon powers[confusion on Floron 2 

She would arrive on Earth during the 1990s and prepare for Unicron reawakening, She attacked Optimus and Megatron while they fought for the Allspark and killed Megatron as he and others tried to kill Unicron but was killed by Prime(seemingly)[Transformers vengeance 3 of 4]

She was resurrected by Unicron were amongst to lead the the Blentron army during their attack on Cybertron[Journey of Megacron]however she would finally be killed by Hotrod via Prima sword(coincidence)[Transformers vengeance 4 of 4]


She's based on Prime Thunderwing

She shares her bodytype with Space case and Snare



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