The Presence

Every nation has a leader, Kings for Backwater planets, emperors for many nations and finally Primes for cybertronians and Intruders. For the Dier Wraiths their has been only one ruler through the races existence from their primordial days, and that person was The presence.

An ancient Malevolent being, she used to be the Daughter of the Scientist who created the Talisman, however she was corrupted by the object when it was activated. The Solstar order has tried to kill her for ages but non have come close in even meeting her since the Destruction of the Dier wraith Home world.

And now, she’s on earth!


The Presence was born on Antalia around 350 Million years ago as Reem Nox Aterial, the daughter of the Talisman creator, when he activated it during the Invasion of Antalia, the dark energies particularly transformed her into a more powerful being and after the Invasion managed to become the Wraith leader through her power.

She led her race to colonise a new home world in the Dark Nebula and for eons lived their as her races new home world, over time she became more corrupt and eventually shaped her race as a conquering race and started an unofficial empire of her own.

Eventually she conquered the Solstar order for a time, however the Solstar order fought back with the space knights and she lost her grip on her empire, eventually the Solstar order attacked and destroyed her new home world, however she survived.

At somepoint she travelled to earth with her race and prepared to conquer it, however exposer to Dark energon corrupted her even further and she tweaked her goal to obtain as much Dark energon as possible.

Eventually she devoured so much her body was transformed further, when Rom, Livia and Orphion finally confronted her again, she was very dangerous, however at that moment Unicron decided to use her body to attack the space knights.

However she would be defeated by Cognive using the Matrix of Purification which turned her and the rest of her race back into Antalians, and was taken to Elonia to spend the rest of her days their on the planet , as she lost her memories [Rom 2][Rom 3]

She was mentioned by Rom when flying [Rom vs G.I.Joe 1 of 3]She was on Elonia as an amnesiac Reem Nox Arterial during the conflict against Metrotitan[Recrudesce of Emissary 2 of 2]


She’s based on IDW The Presence

In her only comic appearance so far, she looks barely like what she's meant to look like in her profile picture, however this can be explained by the fact the Dark energon warped her physiology further into a more corrupt form.


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