
A very unique space knight in the Solstar order, Q'b isn't what you expect from a lifeform in looks, at least an advance one, but hey were not racist so he is as equal to us as any other species that roams the universe. Very resourceful he's beloved by all members of the Space knights, including the children.

To add to this he says his name to start and end a sentence


Q'b was born around the 1760s on his home world and joined the Solstar military at a young age. When the Dier wraith came attacking he was one of many who defended the Steller nation against them.

After the wraiths were defeated and expelled out of Solstar space he became a space knight an assisted in the destruction of the Wrath capital world in the dark nebula. He was one of Many space knights to go to Floron 2 and be captured briefly by the Autobots[confusion on Floron 2]

He was with Ikon when the meet the ancient Entity known as Mogahn the mass, who told them of his origins and warned them of his arrival[Meeting Mogahn]He was with Nikomi while looking at the remains of the recent ally dunged up Flatline[Rom 3]

He was their when Stardrive came back home and when to stop Macabre reawakening Metrotitan(along with many others) to no avail[Recrudesce of Emissary 1 of 2]Throughout the following battle he kept Metrotitan at bay as best as he could until the day was won[Recrudesce of Emissary 2 of 2]


He's based on the IDW space knight Q'b



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