
A member of the space knights, Plor may be the most interested in the Dier wraiths, While Rom may sometimes find new breed of wraiths interesting, Plor is the one who’s dedicates himself to discovering all about the wraiths history, culture, and magic.

He has a unique orange armour


Plor was born in 1795 on Elonia and became a member of the Solstar military, After defeating the Wraiths in the Solstar-wraith wars he joined the space knights and became their expert in the Wraiths, and took part in the final battle[Dier desolation]

He was seen along with other space knights while Stardrive was having her first day in the Academy[Mystery on the Mountain]He went on a mission to Prysmos to deal with some wraiths along with a team consisting of Butin, Carax and Ikon.

On the planet he befriended the Spectral knights and made an alliance to defeat the Dier wraiths on the world, after saving Butin and Ikon from an attack from both wraiths and Darkling Lords, they set out to meet Merklynn after hearing their leader was the magic hungry Xeldynn[Plor on Prysmos 1 of 3]

He went to Merklynn castle(with the Spaceknights and Spectral knights) where he tried to warn him about the Wraith threat, but he didn't listen before he made him question his mission. Then Xeldynn and Darkstorm invaded the fortress soon afterwards[Plor on Prysmos 2 of 3]

He was involved in that last climatic battle, where they defeated Xeldynn with the requiem stone. though Xeldynn survived the stone as a Wraith hawk, Plor gave the final blow as he disintegrated the sorceress with his Neutralisers.

He then along with the other Spaceknights left Prysmos for a Space station to refuel before they went back home to Elonia[Plor on Prysmos 3 of 3]Something Auxin mentioned he was jealous of not being able to contribute in [Reasons for Peace]


He’s based on IDW Plor



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