
Stationed on the Planet Porcupine(which itself was an organic world that used to house a Decepticon base in it) Hydra is a lonely bot, he would love nothing more then to socialise with hiss fellow bot, however since he's stationed pretty much alone he's actually quite depressed.

That's why he loves new company.


Hydra was forged on Eukaris during the Maxicon era and became part of the military, he was stationed on the Planet Porcupine with a maid Ope by Terragator. He was excited when he heard that Airraptor was arriving as she was new company.

He talked with the maximal until the Blentron's arrived and actually help capture Tarantulas when he tried to threaten him for the life of Ope[Sad Hydra]


he's based on BW Hydra

he turns into a Ornithocheirus

he shares his bodytype with Terrorsaur



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