
A bot that's willing to fight most of the time, Doublepunch was a soldier assigned to Scorponok as a bodyguard for the Decepticon, though the real reason might be that Scorponok may be the only bot that can tolerate him. along with this Doublepunch loves to destroy things, though unnecessary.

His armour built for high temperatures


Doublepunch was cold-constructed during the great war and was designed to survive hot temperatures, Doublepunch was assigned to Scorponok as a bodyguard when the general was assigned to be the Ambassador between the Decepticons and Cryotek grope of rogue Predacons.

He was one of the Many bots on the Predica that got stuck on earth, he was seen destroying the environment but was stopped by Aura[War of Beasts 1of 2]


He's based on G1 Doublepunch

He shares his bodytype with Sandspear, Scorponok and Scorpia


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