
A leader of a terrorist grope of  Predacons sick of how the government is on Eukaris, Cryotek had a history of crime long before this event, Allied to the Decepticons(though normal preds don’t like Decepticons), Cryotek helped them in the great war in return for help in his missions.

He turns into a Dragon, which assumed is from Eukaris


Cryotek was forged on Eukaris and started a criminal syndicate and recruited many Predacons to his side, at somepoint he allied with the Decepticons. At somepoint he left Eukaris and went to earth, however he was shot down by the Axalon and crashed on earth.

He was killed after a fight with Optimus primal, even after Waspinator was told to intervene[war of beasts 1 of 2]He may have been mentioned during Terrorsaur and Ghawnsteeth fight[War of beast 2 of 2]


He’s based on Universe Cryotek



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