
The Weapons expert of the Space knights, Carax is the one who advance weaponry used in the Solstar order war against the Dier Wraith menace. A Weapons Technician, He's made many Advancements to the Neutralisers, making advance variants of it.

He ware's a variant of ore 12 which contains more metal


Plor was born in 1795 on Elonia and became a Weapons Technician, After defeating the Wraiths in the Solstar-wraith wars he joined the space knights and became their expert in weaponry. He was present with Orphion while talking with Rom about his mission to the mountains[Mystery on the Mountain]

He would accompany his leader Orphion to Floron 2 where they learned the true nature of Cybertronians and their connection to the Solstar order.[confusion on Floron 2 ]He was sent on a mission led by Plor to Prysmos along with Butin and Ikon.

He would steward their ship as the team went to find the Dier wraiths, he warned Plor that Ikon and Butin were in danger but they were saved by their leader along with the Spectral Knights before they set out to meet Merklynn after hearing their leader was the magic hungry Xeldynn[Plor on Prysmos 1 of 3]

He flew the Spaceknights and the Spectral Knights to Merklynn sanctuary, where he stayed behind on the ship[Plor on Prysmos 2 of 3]He was disappointed that he was on the ship while the final battle happened.

He scanned Prysmos for wraith's for the last time before he flew the ship to a spaceport before going home to Elonia[Plor on Prysmos 3 of 3]


He's based on IDW Carax



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