

Needlenose always wanted to be an fashion designer, unfortunately his Alt-mode didn't allow him to go as far as he want(except to design new alt-modes)That's why he joined the Decepticons and help them improve their combatants with body-types designed to be effective soldiers while still being stylish.

He's apart of Bludgeons Mayhem Attack squad


Needlenose was forged on Cybertron during Nominus times, he was seen in a cafĂ© in Vos while Scrounge listen to the news[The infernocons return ]During the great war he joined Bludgeon's Mayhem Attack Squad.

He went with Bludgeon to find Greengon when they were attacked by the Decepticon turned Autobot Stranglehold, before he showcased his leader his plans for Thunder Mayhem[sword vs flail]


He's based on G1 Needlenose

He shares his bodytype with Skyfether and Slingshot


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