
Long before the Golden age and long before Megatron was born, during the ending days of the Age of Origins lived the long admired and dreaded Galvawar of the Dark lands, an Ancient Warlord from Cybertron’s primitive times, Galvawar was a bot to fear back then.

A bot with a Short temper and doesn’t allow himself to be Inferior to most, Galvawar was one of the most prominent figures when it came to revolting against the Quintessons and believed to be the one to lead the Invasion of Antalia.

He’s related to the Autobot Arcee


Galvawar was born during the Ending days of the age of Origins and grew up to become a feared Warlord, At somepoint he destroyed Scourge’s village. When the Quintessons Invaded Cybertron He Joined the Alpha Vanguard, and was seen by Scourge before their first major attack[Quintesson Revolt 1 of 3]

During the Quintesson revolt he along with Scourge and Cyclonus went to one of his old fortresses to reawaken Trypticon, which Scourge managed to achieve[Quintesson Revolt 2 of 3]At the end of the war Nova tried to pass the Matrix to Galvawar but he refused and became the main Genaral while Guardian became prime[Quintesson Revolt 3 of 3]

Throughout the Guardian era he helped with Cybertron’s expansion, However he fell from grace when he Conquered Antalia without Guardian Prime’s Knowledge or Permission and was Sacked from the Military.

He died During the following Guardian-Malignus war and a memorial of him was put into a Museum.


He’s based on IDW 2005 Galvatron

Galvawar shares his bodytype with Backbite



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