
Eons ago, Wedge was a loyal Decepticon under Megatron's regime during the war for Cybertron, this changed however during a battle where he was left to die, then a kind autobot saved him from certain death and that kindness made him switch sides.

Wedge is slightly arrogant, even after being saved all these years ago, and like what happened in that particular battle almost made him lost his life. He's also good friends with the Autobot know as Hotshot, who he has a rivalry to.

He's also married to Flamewar


Wedge was forged and was raised by well know Guardian scientist Cognive, he joined the Decepticons during Sentinel times and got into a relationship with fellow Decepticon Flamewar which eventually developed into them getting married.

He would fight throughout the war until one particular battle where his arrogance lead him to not retreat in time and fell of a cliff, however he was founded by Quickmix and presumable brought to safety[Bot left behind]Due to Quickmix kindness. he became an Autobot.

When the war ended he still tried to avoid being founded by Flamewar and went to earth, however when he found out she was critically Injured he came back and reunited with her after Eons and was relieved Flamewar was fine with him being an autobot and went to Probat with her.[Spotlight Flamewar]


He's based on (RBA)Wedge, though his alt-mode is a car, and his cybertronian alt-mode was a Tankette



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