
The Arks communications officer on earth, Twincase is fond of earth music(and music in general), with speakers on her side of her shoulders she can deliver devastating waves of sound powerful enough to kill opponents, but most of the time she uses it for fun.

With this she also likes to learn about new things, she might be the most expert on the Ark after Optimus himself in knowledge of the Malignus-Guardian wars and life before that and wishes after the war life would be like living under Guardian prime.

She’s the half-sister of the Decepticon Soundwave and the Mercenary leader Soundblaster.


Twincase was born in Nominus times as the half sister of Soundwave and Soundblaster, unlike her half-brothers she didn’t go into politics but her actual career is unclear. During the great war she one of many Autobots to be on the Ark and got stuck on earth.

She was with a grope lead by Smokescreen locating a Decepticon signal where they encountered Roadrage and together they defeated Gigatron[The hunt for the Bounty]


She based on the G1 twincast

Twincase shares her bodytype with Decimus, Charger, Dobleclutch, Roadtrap and Velocity



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