
Thrustor is lazy, and I mean it, extremely Lazy, this Predacon would rather watch TV, eat energon goodies and take a Stasis nap rather then do a job, despite her sloth she's a formidable fighter and a member of the Cyborg beasts.

She's married to Dirgegun


Thrustor was forged during the Maxicon era along with Dirgegun, when Galva convoy came to power she and Dirgegun joined Lio primes resistance movement and assumingly fought throughout the war, and later got married.

After the war she joined Magmatron’s grope and was one of the many occupants of the Dinosaur and got Stuck on earth where she helped Megastorm free some captured Decepticons[Neo beasts 1 of 3 ]After Majin Zarak was destroyed Gigastorm reformatted her with a Velociraptor Alt-mode.

She attacked Big convoy and a group under Gigastorm lead[Neo beasts 3 of 3]She was  captured and was taken back to Cybertron along with the rest of the Cyborg beasts.


She's based on BW Thrust, Who later became Thrustor

She shares her bodytype with Dinobot and Vertebreak

She turns into a cyborg Utahraptor


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