
In the Maxicon era, Break is very close to Starscream when it comes to ambition. A power hungry Maximals, Break wishes to become a convoy himself within the Maximal army, and this goal makes him very arrogant indeed, yet he’s actually not that bad.

He's married to the Predacon Naughtelious


Break was born on Aquatron and spent much of his life there, it was Aquatron where she met Naughtelious and got married to her before migrating to Cybertron, when Galva convoy rose to power he joined Galvaclash resistance.

Throughout the war he fought against Galva convoy, He was seen with Big convoy as they prepared to follow the Dinosaur to earth[War of beasts : rise of Lio convoy]

he was one of many bots to be on Big convoys ship and got stuck on earth, on earth he maintained her relationship with Naughtelious, going out on secret dates until Magmatron found out and kept Break hostage.

However he escaped and finally reunited with Naughtelious officially this time[Break'sdate night]


 He's based on the Maximal of the same name



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