
A member of the Seacons, Snaptrap is specialised in ocean combat and aquatic environments and is the Seacon leader, His turtle mode has attached cannons on it which makes him very deadly, being equivalent to a sea tank.

As being the leader, He takes it as his job to keep his teammates/friends together and make sure they don't do anything stupid. Despite this he's still a killing machine in battle, though he only kill soldiers.

He can combine with her teammates to form Piranacon

Snaptrap was born on Aquatron during the great war but wasn’t affected by it, days before the battle of Aquatron she and five of his friends were recruited by Octopunch and they joined the Decepticons.

At some point she and his friends got the ability to combine into Piranacon. Around the time of the Ancient Greeks he and the Seacons crash landed on earth and inspired the legend of Poseidon in the process.

Around the 2010s they were reactivated and kept some Decepticons safe from Acanoth and the Autobots as they repaired their ship. One day they were planning to blast of when their beacon(for Decepticons to find) was found by the Rescuebots.

When they came to close they fought the Rescuebots and formed Piranacon. However Mindgame stopped them before they killed anybody and they finally left earth with the Rescuebots help.[The Seacon rescue]

He was mentioned by Hydra to Airraptor while talking to her[Sad Hydra]


He's based on the G1 Snaptrap

He shares his bodytype with Halfshell



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