
If Starscream is Macbeth, then Slipstream is lady Macbeth. Being the second in command of Starscream and the seekers(Making her the third in command  of the Decepticons)It's her job to run the seekers when Starscream is busy.

Slipstream seems to advise Starscream and appears to be a critique of him, not out of hate but out of making him more efficient when doing missions. Slipstream is one of few Starscream trusts and few who knows his plan to take command of the Decepticons, and support him in it.

It befits that she also married to Starscream.


Slipstream was cold-constructed during early Nominus times and joined the military air force, becoming very loyal and close to the popular air commander Starscream. When Starscream and his seekers joined the Decepticons, she did to.

At some point during the great war she married Starscream. She helped in trying to take the Allspark from the Autobots once they found it but she and the grope failed.[Loss of the Allspark]

She was one of Many Decepticons to be on the Nemesis, she was with Megatron when they've met Rei Knut on Animatron[Stellar Oddesey]She mocked Starscream when Lugnut broke his face to anger him[Megatron's new body]


She's based on the Animated character of the same name

She shares her bodytype with, Doomwings, Flinch, Flashwing, Skyhopper, Blaststorm, Lunarwing, Cloudcover, Autoclave, Ionstorm, Acidstorm, Novastorm, Bitstream, Hotlinks, Nacelle, Balewing, Wheezing Arrow, Guyhawk, Hellbat, Thundercracker, Chemtrail, Redwing, Skywarp, Starscream and Itami


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