
Shockfleet is the co-captain of the Lost light along with Megastar and is also the owner of the vessel. Shockfleet is the navigator of the Ship since he spent most of his life traveling the stars and knows many routes.

Shockfleet is very fond of the stars, as a Hatchling he always wondered what the galley was like, being raised on a Star ship helped, if you ask him he would rather live in a ship as an explorer then live on a planet permanently.

He's also married to Megastar.


Shockfleet was born on the Lost light ship during the Middle Zeta era and was raised on the ship. When the great war started he allowed his ship to have crew members for the Autobots on the condition he still keeps the Ship and is a co-captain.

At somepoint he went to an asteroid field along with  his crew(similar to the one he saw as a young bot) and explored one of them with Machalert, meeting both Grom and CONS4EVA in the process of finding out that the asteroid had a lot of Green Energon it it[Spotlight: Shockfleet]

[Meeting Aqwarius]

Later he was present with the lost light crew as they got unwillingly involved with Megatronus plot to revive Solus and saw as he resurrected her but escaped during Megatronus fight with Prima[Return of the Fallen]

He got married to Megastar and had Galvaclash and Megastorm, he was in a photo when Megastorm was talking to it to apologise to his dead brother about being jealous of him and promised to restore his ancestors legacy.[Spotlight Megastorm]

He and Megastar organised another trip, which accidently took them to Energoa as well as ending up going to the planet Exarchon was on so Brail could kill him to save the Universe[The Threefold spark]


He is based on the Energon Mirage 

He shares his bodytype with Voidpulse and Bacchus 


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