
An old friend of Sandstorm, Octane is a member of the Mercenary faction rather then the Autobot or Decepticon faction and isn’t really aligned to any of the two factions officially(though he hangs out more with the Autobots more than the cons).

Octane is aa odd collector, collecting things he finds during his missions and keeping them in his collection of odd object whether broken blasters or old trinkets. To his enemies he considered to be vile when doing his job.

He also very qualified, that’s why he hired so much.


Octane was born during the middle Zeta era of Cybertron and was purposed in the traveling sector as a cargo ship piolet, at some point he became friends with Sandstorm. He also joined the Mercenary faction when the war broke out.

During the Great war he was hired to accompany Sandstorm and Omega Spreem on a mission and helped kill a grope of Decepticons when they attacked the grope he was payed to help.

He was hired again by Optimus prime and he came to earth to do a trade agreement and hanged out with his old friend Sandstorm, asking about dating advice before helping her stop Onslaught starting WW3 [Spotlight: Sandstorm].


He is based on the G1 Character of the same name.

Octane shares his bodytype with: Ginrai, Scrounge, Nightshot, Bigbang, Optimus prime, False convoy and Bloodbath



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