Nemesis prime (Unicron)

It's unknown where this bot came from in origin, well in this universe, all that people know he came out of a volcano one day, but considering that earth was Unicron, he has very dark origins.

In truth however he was made with the corps of Optimus prime, not the one we all know and love, but one non the less from a universe long destroyed by Unicron, and due to having Prime's memories, he knows what happened their.

Doesn't matter anymore, he was killed by prime before he could do any damage.


Once, Nemesis prime's body belonged to an alternate universe Optimus prime which lived in another similar universe called the auxiliary-universe. That prime died when Unicron ate it and his spark returned to the Allspark, but his body was reborn as Nemesis prime by Unicron singularity.

He went to New Kaon in the auxiliary-universe and killed Megatron, Skywarp and Thundercracker as Unicron ate the planet before returning to Unicron singularity.

He travelled to the main universe through Unicron and came out of a volcano and was trying to find prime. He found his universe Nemesis prime and nearly killed him, however the real Optimus prime came and killed him with the matrix of leadership[Nemesis to friend]


He's based on the G1 clone of the same name



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