
Out of all of the creations of Unicron, Galvacron is the most dangerous. wearing the Matrix of chaos as a chain on his neck, Galvacron is one of the deadliest of  The heralds of Unicron that his master allows to exist.

The origins of the mighty Galvacron is just as interesting, apparently he was made out of the dead body of an alternate Universe Megatron, one  from a universe Similar to our own but long destroyed by Unicron himself.

Despite his power, he meets a unbelievable end at the hands of Megatron, so unlikely yet it happened.


Once Galvacron body once belonged to  Megatron of the Auxiliary-Universe, though Megatron of that universe would be killed by Nemesis prime, Unicron would reuse his body to make Galvacron to aid him in his quest of eating the Universe.

After the Auxiliary-Universe was destroyed , Galvacron was given the Matrix of Chaos as a reward, he would be sent to the main universe through Unicron singularity and with Ostor and Ciklon came out of earth from the Sea.

Galvacron wished to kill the Megatron of this Universe so he went to find him, He found him in the desert and had a one on one fight against him, however his arrogance would make him underestimate Megatron and the emperor of Destruction killed him and Galvacron Antispark returned to Unicron.[Tron vs Cron]

He was mentioned by Sideways when explaining his origins to Brail during Brail's and Vector Prime's pursue him so they could kill Sideways[The Brail Paradox] He was also mentioned my Megatron when talking to Unicron [Journey of Megacron]


He’s based on Galvatron II in design

He shares his bodytype with Septimus prime



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