Star minor

A Member of the wreakers and Bigbang second in  command, Star minor is one of the many generals the Autobots have to offer against their war against the Decepticons, though not perfect he's best suited for his job.

When not on duty he spends his time relaxing and doing menial tasks, or hang out with collages. He is very close with Perihelion and was one of his first friends. He usually stays in space though. 


Star minor was present when Hyperdrive was getting a new body before going to a backwater planet and save a village from Nightshot and Bloodbath.[New bodies]He apparently went on a mission while Perihelion was trying to start up the ship.[Spotlight Perihelion]

At some point he married Perihelion and had a daughter called Kappa convoy after the war. He was mentioned when Big convoy, Kappa convoy and Lio prime was reflecting on their family history.[Neo beasts 2 of 3]


He shares his bodytype with Grand-Scourge, Convoy, Ultra Pax, Toxitron, Orion Pax during the war, Optimus primal cybertronian form, and Noisemaze.



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