
Kind of of a jerk but very honest in his work, Apex is the head of the Vos police department. He always take his job seriously and  makes sure his underlings don't slack on the job and do their job properly.

Though he is a jerk and not easy to get along with their is another side to him, He believes that the Police should help the People of Cybertron and just because their in a position of power we shouldn't abuse it, this is why he also as keen at arresting Corrupted officers along with Criminals.

He also Orion Pax and Elita 1 first child, which barely anybody actually knows.


Apex was born during the middle age of the Nominus era to Orion Pax and Elita 1, he grew up to become a police officer and one day moved out, apparently not seeing his loving parents again.

Orion Pax told Megatron about Apex when he saw his picture in his family photo album.[Pax's family]Before Optimus left to Find the Allspark he met his father and family after eons again before dealing with brains[Family reunion]

He helped Brail in his plan to awaken Atlas and Gaea during the Mogahn crisis, as well as save Brail from some Mogahn-raptors[The end has come...]


Apex was based of 2005 Optimus prime, who as Orion Pax was a police officer.

Apex shares his bodytype with Brains and Armorhide

His full name is Apex Pax



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