
Originally a geologist working on his home world Elonia, Rom Backstory have similar features to Optimus primes backstory in a way. He was an average joe, had a girlfriend called Livia and had a peaceful life.

But then came the Dier wraiths which both killed his family, Permanently ruined his life and is the reason he's trapped in ore 12 for the rest of existence. This lead to the Dier wraiths fearing him the most out of all space knight, earning him the title the Wraith slayer.

Despite this he's rather kind and disagrees on tactics used by his fellow Space knights. Over the years he became solstar's lead expert on Cybertronians which both made him look crazy and valuable when dealing with them.

Recently he ended up on earth to combat the threat of the Dier wraiths their. With him growing attached to earth and vow's to protect it from even his space knights. He is also technically Stardrive's adoptive father.


Born in 1800. Rom and his family lived in a place near the Thrail Mountain Range(which was actually the resting place of a cybertronian city).He would enrol into the Elonia University of Arts and Sciences and fell in love with Livia.

While away on an exhibition to learn the geology of the Thrail Mountains the Dier wraith arrived via meteors and took over Elonia. It was during this crisis he and Livia got trapped in their space knight armour.

They were quickly recruited by Orphion and were trained to be space knights. Eventually they defeated the Wraiths and followed them to their home world where they eradicated the Dier wraiths for good on their home world[Dier desolation]

This would begin Rom's life as a Space knight. Around 1866 the Space Knights uncovered a Unborn cybertronian and Rom accidently activated it. Leading to the birth of Stardrive who he began to care for as her adoptive father.

Five years later he would be sent to investigate the Thrail Mountains for sightings of a giant space knight. This lead him discovering about the true nature of the Cybertronian race and about the Cybertronian history of the area the Solstar order sits in via the Guardian Cognive (the source of the sightings)[Mystery on the Mountain ]

He was mentioned when his teammates went to Floron two and learned similar things.[confusion on Floron 2 After a event some 12 years later which lead Stardrive disappearing[Truth to Stardrive]. Rom became Obsessed About knowing about the transformers which troubled his colleges.

At some point he came to earth and started purging the wraith presence their and continued to find out more of earth. At some point Megatron tried to give him an offer but he declined.[Rom in a desert]

When Livia and Orphion he initially wanted them to leave. Then he got them to help him go to the Wraith's base where they eventually fought a Unicron possessed presence but was saved by Cognive.

Rom then went to continue his mission while Orphion and Livia went home to Elonia in the Solstar order to do their main jobs.[Rom 1][Rom 2][Rom 3] Unicron resurrected Axiom so he could get revenge on rom[Journey of Megacron]

He was flying when he noticed a battle between the G.I.Joe and Cobra in the air, after one of the Jets was shot down, he decided to rescue the piolet, which turned out to be Beach-head, they then killed of a horde of Dier wraiths together when attacked.

They then came face to face with the real Joe Colton, before he took both Joes back to his Base [Rom vs G.I.Joe 1 of 3]After fixing Joe Colton arm, he went to the G.I.Joe base and killed all of the Dier wraith outside.

He then went into the base and killed the fake Joe Colton, He also manged to identify Jiminez as a Dier wraith, who declared that she and the other Wraiths will kill him[Rom vs G.I.Joe 2 of 3]He then fought and killed Jiminez after a long and fierce fight.

However, Doc in his wraith form started attacking Rom(after doc teleported the evil Dier wraiths away) and tried to kill him for being one of the Spaceknights who was responsible for his species extermination, however he was saved by the Joes.

He then went away to repair his armour back at his base[Rom vs G.I.Joe 3 of 3]He was mentioned by Livia while reintroducing herself and Orphion to Stardrive to explain his absence[Recrudesce of Emissary 1 of 2]



He's based on the character of the same name

Rom is the first non cybertronian to be featured on this wiki blog


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