
Born on Caminus, Chromia was one of many aboard Windblade's ship while trying to reconnect to Cybertron. A no nonsense type, she really not that social when she got to Cybertron but over time she became more friendly.

Chromia is friends with her captain Windblade, then with to be loved one Ironhide, and then finally with Elita 1 and her closest friends. She acts as a soldier and bodyguard to many autobot leaders and is fiercely protective of her friends.

she can also form Orthia 

Chromia was born on Caminus during it's separation, and a childhood friend to Windblade. She grew up in an are which meant she had to get Stoic to survive, becoming antisocial in general.

when she grew up she was assigned to reconnect to her ancestral home world with Windblade and ended up lost in space until Thunderclash found them during a surveillance trip.

She would end up on Cybertron and on the same day befriend Ironhide in which she introduce to Windblade.[spotlight Windblade]She would fall in with Ironhide with Orion Pax's anti functionist grope.

When the war started she became a bodyguard for many Autobot generals, as well as gaining the ability to combine into Orthia. Around 30 MYA she ended up in aa battle with a grope consisting of Nicee and the then Neutral Hyperdrive.[spotlight Hyperdrive]

She would later respond to a call from stranglehold and got her hopes up that Ironhide might be alive.[WWII transformers 1 of 2 ]


she's based on her 2005 G1 self.


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