
Power hungry, traitorous, and cunning. Starscream plans the downfall of Megatron as the situation comes. He the second in command to Megatron and leader of the air force the seekers who pattern after his bodytype.

Starscream believes that he’ll be a better leader then Megatron will ever be in charge. Their might be some truth in his words because he’s more merciful comparatively to his master. His seekers are the ones most loyal to him.

Starscream used to be an air commander in the Military and is a great strategist. Many if not all non-seeker Decepticons hate him. He also quite a coward to. Though he hasn’t made his move yet with the help of his seekers he might win.

It’s only a matter of time, He also the brother of Sunstorm.


Starscream was many transformers constructed cold during Nominus times and was raised with Sunstorm, making them brothers by law. During his youth before graduating into the military he used to babysit peoples kids. When he joined the military he climbed up in the ranks as the head of Cybertron's air force, Gaining many loyal supporters including his wife Slipstream.

At one point he and much of his loyalists joined the Decepticons. He was giving an evil smile during a rally, recorded in a picture.[best Optimus prime body/best body 3]When the war started he became Megatron's second in command and mass built his seekers.

He was in The Kaon base when he first was introduced to Sideways, he later was flattened by Megatron after he was throwned to kaon from Polyhex by Sideways[Spotlight: Brail] He helped in trying to take the Allspark from the Autobots once they found it but he and the grope failed.[Loss of the Allspark]

He was a member of the nemesis, during this time he went to Combatron and later Animatron, the latter where he got some tattoos on, he later got stuck in Transwarp space before thee Nemesis crashed on earth[Stellar Oddesey]

Once awoken he was ordered to do a patrol checks. On one he saw the ark and Destroyed Neil's month later he bombed a small band of Autobots right before a battle to stop a vehicon factory.[Transformer vengeance 1 of 4]

He was mentioned by Brail after it was revealed that both Brail and Starscream had immortal sparks during Brail's and Vector Prime's quest to kill Sideways[The Brail Paradox]He was seen flying over a valley of Ukraine by Nesta Nelson[Transformer vengeance 2 of 4]

He was their for Megatron after Unicron failed attack on Cybertron and witness his former leader death by Soundwave hands[Journey of Megacron]


Physically  he's 80% based of Movie Starscream, his null rays are from G1 Starscream and his eye colour is Armada Starscream.

He shares his bodytype with, Doomwings, Flinch, Flashwing, Skyhopper, Blaststorm, Lunarwing, Cloudcover, Autoclave, Ionstorm, Acidstorm, Novastorm, Bitstream, Hotlinks, Nacelle, Balewing, Wheezing Arrow, Guyhawk, Hellbat, Thundercracker, Slipstream, Redwing, Skywarp, Chemtrail and Itami


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