
Tesaurus is a member of the elite Decepticon justice division(DJD). He has a grinder built into him to torture victims and his helmet has a big X on it. Tesaurus get easily board when not in action and always use his job to the highest.


Tesaurus joined the Decepticons during Sentinels rule and was formed into a unit called the Decepticon Justice Division. He was heard torturing prisoners while Stranglehold went to the command room of the Decepticon Fortress[Spotlight Stranglehold]

Tesaurus was torturing the Autobot Sunder when an explosion destroyed the base he was in[Spotlight Octopunch]He talked to his leader Tarn after executing a traitor and learned about how he joined the Decepticons before going to eat [Spotlight: Tarn]

After the great war he and the DJD became criminals and was killed by Deathplay on Soundwave orders[End of the DJD]


He's based on the G1 con of the same name


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