
If you thought Megatron was an evil , Merciless Dictator then your wrong by a hundred percent. That title rightfully belongs to Straxus of Polyhex, Who even Megatron leaves him alone because even though Megatron is mildly insane he insanity is surpass by this bot.

Believed to be the son of the Malignus Darkmount or Darkmount himself. Straxus is hated by all. Even his loyal troops are downright terrified by him. He executed more then his leader and is far older then him. His alleged end was at the hands of Sixshot who downright hates him. 

His head somehow got to earth and is the mastermind under the Headmaster war and plans his return. Their nobody like Straxus.


Straxus is to believed to be at least related to the Malignus general Darkmount or even the same person. Before the war he was a Senator and owned the castle Darkmount. He once laughed maniacally as he promises to his fathers helmet that he'll live up to his name.[Untold story].

During the war he ruled Polyhex and dispensed fear, earning him the hatred of Sixshot. His downfall as a Decepticon happened at the battle of Nebulon where the now traitor Sixshot killed him with a spacebridge.

Or so he believed, he actually survived and his head was founded by an human organisation Asp in 1980 earth and  he revealed  some information which started the Headmaster war, all so he could build himself a new body.[The battle of Nebulon]

In 2009 he succeeded but he failed to get any further because his head was took his off by Greatshot.[Holiday battle]



He's based on his G1 Counterpart

He shares his cybertronian bodytype with his father Darkmount

He shares his earth bodytype with Rotorstorm

Straxus being reduced to a head is a nod from his Marvel comic self, Animated Megatron and AOE Galvatron who were reduced as a stationary head and needed a needed a new body.


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