
Another member of the Seekers, Doomwings current job in the Decepticon faction is to be an ambassador for various galactic nations. Not a Job he likes but understands the necessity of. This often leads to him being outside of the great war conflict. Which judging by his past records, he really likes to participate in. History: Doomwings was cold constructed during the great war and was built and tried to become a seeker, He originally was a leader of a battalion who went on hundreds of missions, however due to a worsening condition he slowly became unfit for battle. However he wasn’t far from useless, The Decepticons assigned him to be one of many Ambassadors, which he didn’t like but accepted, becoming the Decepticon ambassador for the Vestial Imperium, helping maintain great relations with them and the Decepticons. Notes: He’s based on G1 Doomwings He shares his bodytype with, Chemtrail, Flinch, Flashwing, Skyhopper, Blaststorm, Lunarwing, Cloudcover, Autoclave, Ionstorm,...